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The game crashes at level 51. Anyone else had this problem? Also how to you access ARCADE mode?
Great stuff adnan
I cant get pass level 19 need help
It was bugged for me and I couldn't actually PLAY level 51.
Randomly throughout the game I also got errors in weird languages... after while the game crashes cos of those errors.
I wish stuff like this would be addressed before you release a game Adnan!!
I think we are lucky to have adnan release anything for us! I have only come across the occasional game that doesn't work - the majority of the games are fine :) thx
A big thank you to adnan for providing these links - have a great new year.
You know that you're all thieves,right?
After Level 32, all goes so slow, stop motion like... Please help.
Level 51 for me too :( but what I have played I have thoroughly enjoyed.....So do what I have done play it all over again LMAO
i started having issues with the speed of a level (a 4 minute level's time is taking a half hour in real life time) at level 9.
I previously had an issue with lv51; but after restarting the game (from lv1) it worked fine. I don't know just what caused this error but it seems this game in general is buggy... very random. It DOES work but it's a wild guess what errors you will get and where it will crash for you.
Click your way through any popup errors, or restart the game.
did some research and it seems the original release is the issue. it has now been re-released and fixed, however not sure if there's an unofficial new release. would like to see it though.
The game stuck at level 51. Is there any update version or something to fix the game?? How can I get it?? Thanx..
Thank You for this Site!You are the Best!
go back to level 21 and purchase white calf. it will then let you continue AND you get the other items, such as the energy drink to unlock.
how to get past level 20, im stuck there!!!! it goes back to the same bonus level over and over.
I am stuck on level 32, how do I get the gold star?
If you stuck in level 51, on the map click on level 27. Buy in market white cow, and go back on 51.
Thanks Marcin for the tips...
I am stuck on level 42
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