My New Blog is available for everyone now.I Hope you like it-
>> The best free PC games <<
Experience the story of Falko Loffler's fantasy novel. You will meet dragons, demons, heroes and mythical creatures. Play as Seld Es...
Hello everyone, Last few days was very hard for me , after megaupload (takedown) , file hosting sites which i used ( filesonic, fileserve, uploadstat...
My New Blog is available for everyone now.I Hope you like it- Click Here and follow my new blog. Thanks!
so honestly who do we need to jump for you bro? someone stalking you.. and its not me? random acts of kindness and violence happen all the time. let me know if you need help with someone.
thanks adnan, I appreciate you giving us the heads up. and letting me follow your site. You have the best hidden objects games.
oh adnan, i love your games!
I adnan, we can't have access yet... at your new adress, it seem's that we need to be invite???
I would like an invite to the new site as well. As my fellow visitor stated, you have the best games.
Hi adnan, I can't seem to follow your new blog, it gives me an error saying that I have to be invited to your blog to be able to see it...can you help me please?!
i've tried to access your new blog but it won't let me. Help!
i've tried to access your new blog but it won't let me. can you help me please?
i've tried to access your new blog but i'm not allowed. how do i get access? please help! i dont want to miss all the cool games
Thank you for the update, it says I need an invite to follow your new blog, could I get one?
thanks but how to get invited to see the new blog? i cant access the link posted. hi, when i click the link above, its says:
This blog is open to invited readers only
It doesn't look like you have been invited to read this blog. If you think this is a mistake, you might want to contact the blog author and request an invitation.
So sad to hear that :((((
Also, I couldn't access the new blog :((((((
oh..thnx for informing
Nice new blog, great games! Thanks Adnan! :)
Hi Adnan, I really enjoy the games you post, you tottaly rock!... I tried to download Beauty Factory from here but I can't, and I tryied to go to your blog but I don't have acces either :(, it said I don't have permission... can I have your permission to go in there ands download the game? or can you pretty please fix the link here?
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